latest 17 messages by ggherdov`

+ [2015-10-26T08:24:09Z] ggherdov` The problem is that the post folders get generated dynamically, so I wander if jekyll supports this
+ [2015-10-26T08:24:09Z] ggherdov` So I can have multiple images with the same name, as long as they belong to different posts.
+ [2015-10-26T08:24:09Z] ggherdov` Hello. Is there a way to organize images in a blog alternative to putting them all in the same "/images" folder? I'd like them to end up in the same folder as the blog post where I link them.
+ [2015-10-21T16:37:32Z] ggherdov` thanks gynter for the hint on date modifier earlier today
+ [2015-10-21T08:06:24Z] ggherdov` Hello, is there a filter for dates that gives me the year? something like {{ site.time | year }} like those I find listed at
+ [2015-10-20T16:37:23Z] ggherdov` finds this
+ [2015-10-20T16:35:45Z] ggherdov` if I don't want to use sass, but I am fine with plain old css, where do I put my css file(s) ?
+ [2015-10-20T16:27:52Z] ggherdov` what's the gem I need in order to "jekyll docs" (it's supposed to serve the jekyll docs). It says "No such file or directory - /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/jekyll-2.5.3/site/"
+ [2015-10-20T16:05:40Z] ggherdov` If I run "jekyll build" on a jekyll site, then I can access it by simply pointing my browser to index.html, instead of doing "jekyll serve". Correct ?
+ [2015-10-20T15:37:45Z] ggherdov` thanks gynter
+ [2015-10-20T15:24:13Z] ggherdov` jaybe: thanks.
+ [2015-10-20T15:12:25Z] ggherdov` Hello. Can you explain me in a single, short sentence the relationships between Liquid, Jekyll and Octopress? I am a developer, I can understand programming words.
+ [2015-10-17T19:45:16Z] ggherdov` oh thanks gynter
+ [2015-10-17T17:34:05Z] ggherdov` diyfupeco: ok thanks
+ [2015-10-17T17:32:40Z] ggherdov` diyfupeco: uhm, that's true. Are you implying it could be home made? I see markdown in the github repo, that makes me think of a site generator
+ [2015-10-17T17:14:48Z] ggherdov` Hello. Do you think this blog has been generated with jekyll: ? The author also provides sources at